Wool, Textiles and Natural Dyes
Our wool is bought from local farmers at a fair price because we value the quality of Scottish fleeces which we use to make functional and beautiful items. We are also working with the local farmers to cross breeds and therefore create fleeces with longer, softer fibres with a variety of colours. We want to support the local wool industry and promote this sustainable, environmentally friendly natural material. The breeds we mostly use are Shetland, Texel, Zwartbles and Icelandic. The fleeces are processed in an environmentally conscious way using simply water, a little gentle soap and some elbow grease. We use the wool in our felting, spinning, weaving, knitting and crocheting.
Felt and shrouds
Spinning and Weaving
Natural Dyes and textiles
“Another wonderful creation. This will be going on the wall. Thank you!”
5 out of 5 stars said Clea about one of the vegetarian felted rugs on 24 Mar, 2021